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Research Projects & Work Packages

Innovations for the future through terahertz technology

The excellent terahertz.NRW research network conducts research into pioneering technologies that exploit the full potential of terahertz radiation in various application areas. Our work ranges from basic research to application-oriented projects.

Our Research Projects:
Focus on nine work packages

WP1 Coordination and Networking

Efficient planning and coordination of project partners and promotion of cooperation.

WP2 THz System Concepts & Experimental Preliminary Investigations​

Development and testing of new terahertz system concepts through experimental investigations.

WP3 Transceiver Technologies

Research into high-performance transmitter and receiver systems for terahertz applications.

WP4 Functional Sensor Technology

Development of highly sensitive sensors for recording and analyzing environmental data.

WP5 Signal Processing & Algorithms

Optimizing the processing of terahertz signals using advanced algorithms.

WP6 Evaluation & Baseline Studies

Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of new technologies and research approaches.

WP7 Science Communication & Participation

Dissemination of scientific results and promotion of public participation.

WP8 Recruitment, Career Development, Gender, Diversity and Transfer

Promoting diversity, career development and knowledge transfer in research.

WP9 Research Data

Efficient management and analysis of research data to optimize projects.

WP1 Coordination and Networking
Efficient planning and coordination of project partners and promotion of cooperation.
WP2 THz System Concepts & exp. Preliminary Investigations
Development and testing of new terahertz system concepts through experimental investigations.
WP3 Transceiver Technologies
Research into high-performance transmitter and receiver systems for terahertz applications.
WP4 Functional Sensor Technology
Development of highly sensitive sensors for recording and analyzing environmental data.
WP5 Signal Processing & Algorithms
Optimizing the processing of terahertz signals using advanced algorithms.
WP6 Evaluation & Baseline Studies
Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of new technologies and research approaches.
WP7 Science Communication & Participation
Dissemination of scientific results and promotion of public participation.
WP8 Recruitment, Career Development, Gender, Diversity and Transfer
Promoting diversity, career development and knowledge transfer in research.
WP9 Research Data Management
Efficient management and analysis of research data to optimize projects.

Work Packages For The Organization Of The Network

WP1: Coordination & Networking

1.1: Structure of the Organizational Structures

1.2: Regular Operation of the Network

1.3: Regional Networking

1.4: Internationalization

WP7: Science Communication & Participation

7.1: Digital Formats and Internet Presence

7.2: Public Relations

7.3: Dissemination Strategy

WP8: Recruitment, Career Development, Gender, Diversity & Transfer

8.1: Recruitment & Career Development

8.2: Diversity & Gender

8.3: Technology Transfer & Exploitation

Technical / Scientific Work Packages

WP 2: THz System Concepts

2.1: Optoelectronic Measuring Systems

2.2: Beam Shaping and Deflection

2.3 Channel Modeling

2.4 Communication 6G & Beyond

2.5 Surface Measurements, Micromovements

WP 3: Transceiver Technologies

3.1: Components for Communication & Localization

3.2: Components for Material Characterization, Medical Technology & Environmental Monitoring

3.3: Innovative Materials & Components for Future THz Transceivers

WP 4: Functional Sensor Technology

4.1 High-Resolution THz Near Field Sensors

4.2 Surface Functionalization

4.3 Functionalized THz Microsystem Technologies

WP 5: Signal Processing & Algorithms

5.1: Resource-Efficient Methods

5.2: Tomographic 3D Procedures

5.3: Sensor-Related Signal Processing

5.4: Demonstrator Localization & Communication

5.5: Demonstrator THz Tomography

5.6: Demonstrator Material Characterization

WP 6: Evaluation & Basic Research

6.1: Verification of THz Assemblies and Circuits

6.2: Evaluation of the Performance of New THz Systems

6.3: Movement and Vital Diagnostics

6.4 Tissue Diagnostics

6.5 Microfluidic Biosensors

6.6 Plant Monitoring

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