WP5 Signal Processing and Algorithms
Lead: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Prof. Dr. Aydin Sezgin
In WP5, subjects from the areas of signal processing and algorithms are further developed. The WP covers a broad spectrum from imaging spectroscopic methods for material characterization to real-time capable inline measurement methods for multi-channel systems and methods for efficient resource management. The combination of THz systems with, e.g., imaging 3D system concepts requires new approaches in order to master the data volumes that arise. For this purpose, sensor-related AI methods, highly parallelized decentralized signal processing methods as well as neural networks must be developed, as there is practically no database in the THz range to date. As part of the work package, a wide variety of algorithms and signal processing methods will therefore be addressed with close reference to the demonstrator systems. The focus of the WP is particularly on imaging algorithms as well as resource-saving and efficient methods of data acquisition and processing. As far as we know, none of these topics have yet been comprehensively addressed in the research literature for the THz frequency range.